The allure surrounding the legendary sturgeon traces back to ancient civilizations, with the Persians, Carthaginians, Greeks, and Romans all extolling its virtues. Esteemed philosophers of antiquity even immortalized this magnificent creature in their literary works.

Spanning an astonishing 250 million years in existence, the sturgeon stands as an enduring testament to the passage of time. Notably, the exquisite roe from the female sturgeon continues to be the coveted foundation of a rare and opulent delicacy: caviar.

However, the trajectory leading to this culinary treasure has evolved, transcending the confines of the confluence between Asia and Europe. In our contemporary era, amidst the pristine natural landscapes of Uruguay in the Southern Hemisphere, sturgeons are meticulously cultivated, yielding some of the most exquisite caviar found anywhere in the world.


While the Persians are commonly acknowledged as trailblazers in the realm of caviar production and indulgence, it was the Russians who, during the late 10th century under the reign of Prince Vladimir of Kiev, elevated the craft of caviar to the sophisticated form we recognize in contemporary times. Beyond historical debates, there is unanimous agreement that this delicacy evolved into an authentic cultural symbol of Russia, encapsulating the refined essence of the nation's culinary heritage.

From Shakespeare to Louis XIV

Caviar's introduction to Europe occurred in the 14th century when Venetian merchants embarked on expeditions to the Black Sea, returning with barrels filled with these delicate ebony orbs. Despite this arrival, acceptance was gradual; two centuries later, Shakespeare used caviar as a metaphor for the obscure and incomprehensible. Even into the 19th century, European fishermen discarded sturgeon roe, casting it to animals or discarding it along riverbanks.

A captivating chapter in caviar's illustrious history unfolds at the court of Louis XIV, the Sun King. During a Versailles reception, Tsar Peter the Great dispatched a sample of caviar via the Russian ambassador. Legend holds that upon tasting it, the French monarch, in immediate disgust, spat it onto the ground, sparking a diplomatic incident. However, history would later balance the scales: a few centuries on, Paris succumbed to the enchantment of caviar's allure.